Wednesday 10 March 2010


My music video did not follow the codes and conventions of a typical hip hop video. As in a typical hip hop video you would see alot of girls, big gold chains etc. A key convention in my video was the use of camera shots. We used alot of camera shots such as tracking, point of view shots etc to set the mood in particular scenes. For example at the begining we used a point of view shot. this was used to show everything from the persons point of view for example the area which was deprived.Many close up shots were used to show characters emotions. J.R was dressed in tracksuits through out the music video. This shows where he is coming from in terms of whether he is an established artist or not, as in a typical hip hop music video the artist will be dressed in big named designers and big gold chains. However in comarison to other UK based hip hop rap artists such as Bashy and Giggs he is very similar to them as they way in the way they dress and their lyrically content.
The audience for my music video would be aimed at teenagers and young adults between the ages of 16-21 this is because they would be able to relate to it more as they are going through what the artists is going through and they would be able to relate to the artist more. The film attracts my target audience by the the way it was made realistic by making it a normal day in the life of a teenager.

While doing this project there were a few things that did not go well. First of all, my group decided to change the song in which we were doing as we could not think of a video to the song we were previously going to do.This was very time consuming. Another problem which we had was that we could not film on certain days due to a lack of props.

Although we had some problems, things also worked well such as the variety of camera shots we used in our music video and the outcome of our whole video.Doing my pleniminary task was very beneficial as it helped me to understand how to film and how to edit more by my self.The task was a very helpful in helping me understand what making and editing a music video would be like.

If I could change things if possible I would change the fact that we filmed late, we could have filmed in more locations if we had not filmed late. I would also change the amount of time we used on planning I believe that if we spent more time on planning we would have had a even better music video.

I beleive that my production went well despite all the problems we came across. I think I and my group produced a good piece of coursework as it was enjoyable and also helped me gain more knowlede about media.

In conclusion our audience feedback was positive.Our video was complimented on the use of camera shots. My group and I were told our Video was really good.

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