Wednesday 10 March 2010


My music video did not follow the codes and conventions of a typical hip hop video. As in a typical hip hop video you would see alot of girls, big gold chains etc. A key convention in my video was the use of camera shots. We used alot of camera shots such as tracking, point of view shots etc to set the mood in particular scenes. For example at the begining we used a point of view shot. this was used to show everything from the persons point of view for example the area which was deprived.Many close up shots were used to show characters emotions. J.R was dressed in tracksuits through out the music video. This shows where he is coming from in terms of whether he is an established artist or not, as in a typical hip hop music video the artist will be dressed in big named designers and big gold chains. However in comarison to other UK based hip hop rap artists such as Bashy and Giggs he is very similar to them as they way in the way they dress and their lyrically content.
The audience for my music video would be aimed at teenagers and young adults between the ages of 16-21 this is because they would be able to relate to it more as they are going through what the artists is going through and they would be able to relate to the artist more. The film attracts my target audience by the the way it was made realistic by making it a normal day in the life of a teenager.

While doing this project there were a few things that did not go well. First of all, my group decided to change the song in which we were doing as we could not think of a video to the song we were previously going to do.This was very time consuming. Another problem which we had was that we could not film on certain days due to a lack of props.

Although we had some problems, things also worked well such as the variety of camera shots we used in our music video and the outcome of our whole video.Doing my pleniminary task was very beneficial as it helped me to understand how to film and how to edit more by my self.The task was a very helpful in helping me understand what making and editing a music video would be like.

If I could change things if possible I would change the fact that we filmed late, we could have filmed in more locations if we had not filmed late. I would also change the amount of time we used on planning I believe that if we spent more time on planning we would have had a even better music video.

I beleive that my production went well despite all the problems we came across. I think I and my group produced a good piece of coursework as it was enjoyable and also helped me gain more knowlede about media.

In conclusion our audience feedback was positive.Our video was complimented on the use of camera shots. My group and I were told our Video was really good.

Sunday 7 March 2010


Today whilst editing went to plan. It was kind of hard as we had to find the correct shots and match them to a particular part of the song as the lip syncing. We made the video black and white, aswell as adding different effects. In one of the scenes there is a shot of police outside a train station although the video is in black and white the police uniforms will still be in colour.

Filming 1

Today we were supposed to film however our plans did not go as they were supposed to. As planned in one of our scenes there is a tracking shot of the camera being placed in side of a moving car. However today it was not possible for us to get the car as the owner was not available. We will definitely be filming next week.

Thursday 4 March 2010

J.R Advertising Poster

To create this concert poster I used the software Adobe Photoshop on an Apple Mac. I upload a picture of J.R my artist at one of his previous concerts. I then used a tool called quick selection tool and erased the background of the original image leaving only an outline of J.R with a mic in his hand. I then went on google to find a background of a stage. I then dragged it to the adobe photoshop icon at the bottom of the screen, this opened up another layer. I then went back to the outline of J.R and used a tool which allowed me to colour him in all black so that it was only a stencil. I then dragged the stencil on to my new layer which was a photo of a stage. I then went back on to google to find pictures of hands. I wanted pictures of hands which shows the audience reaching out to the artist. I then did the same thing with the picture of the hands, I coloured it black with an airbrushing tool. I then dragged this on top of the other layers. I then went back on google to find logos from different music channels and radios. I used to get different fonts to add to my poster.

As the media is stereotypical you would expect the poster to be budget as JR is an up and coming artist and not yet established.I choose to do the concert like this because I thought it would attract different types of audiences and not just one. I choose to colour the artist in black as i thought it would be a mystery to those people who have never seen or heard his music before this will encourage them to attend the concert. The artist targets teenagers to young adults, this appeals to this target audience as it shows a young man on stage who looks really laid back. The poster shows the audience reaching out to him i used this to show that the artist music is good .

Saturday 6 February 2010

Similar Posters

This is a poster advertisement for on of Jay-Z's concert. I think this is similar to my poster as they are both advertising for concert. Jay-z is reaching out to his fans which shows emotive feelings towards the fans, furthermore, a lot of people attending this concert which shows that he is significantly established as a global artist.

Friday 5 February 2010


A Poster is any piece of printed paper designed to be attached to a wall or vertical surface. Typically posters include both textual and graphic elements, although a poster may be either wholly graphical or wholly text. Posters are designed to be both eye-catching and convey information. Posters may be used for many purposes. They are a frequent tool of advertisers(particularly of events, musicians and films), propagandists,protestors and other groups trying to communicate a message. Posters are also used for reproductions of artwork, particularly famous works, and are generally low-cost compared to original artwork. Another type of poster is the educational poster, which may be about a particular subject for educational purposes.

An example of a poster below:

Wednesday 3 February 2010

J.R Album Cover

To make this album cover I played around with the brightness and contrast of the photo on adobe photoshop . I then went to for the font. I search google for parental advisory icon and added it on . It was simple making this album cover. There is also brand continuity between this album cover and the ending of the music video as the ending of the video was edited in gradient black and white. As a group we choose the name of the album cover based on what the song was on which was life.

Monday 1 February 2010

Similar Music Videos

Similar Music Videos

Jay-Z feat Alicia Keys- Empire State Of Mind

Empire State of Mind" is an anthemic hip hop song with influences of electropop an orchestrapop. It features a sample of " Love on a two way street" by The Moments. The title is a reference to New York's eponym "The Empire State", and may also be a reference to Billy Joel's " New York state of mind". Jay-Z's former rival Nas titled a song from his debut album, Illmatic, "N.Y. State of Mind" in 1994. The song is an anthem to Jay-Z's hometown, New York City. The song also mentions NBA superstars LeBron James and Dwayne Wade and teams New York Kicks and New Jersey Nets. It states that New York is "the home of the hip hop", name checking Afrika Bambaataa, a DJ from the South Bronx, New York who was instrumental in the early development of hip hop throughout the 1970s & 80s.

This video is a similar to the one I and my group want to make as it kind of has the same concept. Its talking about a specific area and uses freeze frame shots in orders to represent different places and objects relating to the song. It is also shot in black and white. In this song the freeze frame shots are used in line with the instrumental we will be aso be doing this.

Giggs- Don't Go There


This video by South London rapper Giggs is similar to my video as to the freeze frame shots , and other shots such as the tracking shot. It is also shot in black and white.

Saturday 30 January 2010

Audience Types

Mainstream audience

Mainstream is a type of audience that are available to the general public for example Beyonce Knowles, Jay-Z and Michael Jackson are classed as mainstream artist. Mainstream music is the music of subcultures. This exists in virtually all genres of music and is found commonly in Punk rock, Alternative/Underground Hip-Hop, Heavy Metal etc

Cult audience

meaning an audience whose beliefs or practices could be considered strange or sinister.

Subversive audience

This means a group or audience who advocates or is engaged in subversive activities.

Alternative audience

This Means a minority of a group or audience that have a common interest in a particular music.

Who My Artist Targets

My artist J.R targets teenagers and young adults as they can relate to his lifestyle as they are most likely to understand what he is experiencing. He attracts teenagers and young adults by the style of clothes he wears and also by the genre of music he does.

Pre Production Work

Treatment for Music Video J.R - For My Brothers


Shots 1- 9

Shots 10- 13
Shots 14- 22
Shots 23- 26

Shots 27-36
Shots 37-40
Shots 41- 45

Friday 29 January 2010

Swiss - Talk to me

This is the song that I and my group have decided to make a video to it was by Swiss a former rapper of the group 'So Solid Crew'

Swiss- Talk To Me

There is no official music video for this song.

Thursday 28 January 2010

Background Information On My New Artist

Background Information on my new artist

J.R is a conscience rapper hailing from North London, Tottenham to be precise. He is a rapper who takes real life situations and turns them into songs. What gives J.R a edge over existing artists is that he isn’t a stereotype, most of the rappers who are out now, glamorize things like guns, drugs and sex were as J.R takes what his been through, what his seen and what his read about and turns them into songs. Instead of rapping about usual stuff like his got money his got this and that, J.R tries to tackle issues that society is blind to, whether its politics, global warming etc.

The single J.R is first going to come out with is called My Brothers this is a dedication to his brother who past away due to a shooting were J.R was the actual target. In this song J.R is trying to get the younger generation to try and learn from his mistake, he is trying to tell them hanging around on the streets maybe selling drugs is not the way forward. He believes the younger generation are blind and need to find a skill within themselves and make it blossom.

As most rappers do J.R is coming from a poor community were chances are limited and he also has a past like everyone, but due to the killing of his brother who was his manager he sees music as a way of getting away from the world, he sees it as a place were no matter what he goes through he can jot it down on paper find the right beat and turn it into music for other people to listen to so they can maybe relate to what his been through or at least try and feel his pain.

With what his been through and what he has seen over his 18 years of life, J.R now sees it as a chance to warn other teenage youths that the path he went down is the wrong one, so I would say that his target audience is teenagers as a whole but mainly teenagers who are on the streets doing no good, he can also appeal to grown ups especially Mums because they may feel sympathy for what his been through and be proud to what his trying to turn his life into which is becoming a successful musician

Similar Artists

Ashley Thomas also known as Bashy is a British hip-hop/grime. He rose to prominence in 2007 after the release of his controversial track Black Boys. He was the assistant music supervisor for the film Adulthood for which he also recorded the theme track entitled Kidulthood to Adulthood.

During the release of one of his mixtapes he was still a struggling independent musician, so applied the Royal Mail to become a Postman. He worked there for a year to save money then left to pursue his music career full time. The money he saved was soon spent as music career did not take off as planned & he began living off his over draft then started doing various different things in order to survive. It was during this time he decided to become a Bus Driver. He drove the 114, 183 & 292. He has been very vocal about his being a bus driver in order to promote to young people that working is cool. This contrasts with Bashy's own reports that, when music wasn't paying the bills, he "picked a little q up", in a fraudulent reference to selling drugs.

In 2007 he released the song ‘Black Boys’. It was this track that propelled Bashy into the nation's consciousness, catching the imagination of a country suffering from many incidents of violence amongst its inner-city youth. With frequent reports of shootings and stabbings on news bulletins, and with the media continually focusing on the lack of role models in certain communities, he felt that the nation’s inner city youth needed a reminder that they had a number of positive figureheads they could look to. His debut single was surrounded by controversy, as some people were calling the track racist. This prompted the governing body OFCOM to investigate. Rumours soon started to circulate that the track had been banned from T.V. Certain sections of the black community were outraged; groups were set up on the social networking site Facebook in order to fight the ban. Racist videos were put up as responses to the track on Youtube. Men dressed as Ku Klux Klan members would hurl abuse towards black people with Black Boys playing in the background. This then prompted people of all races to get behind and support Bashy, in a united stand against racism. It was off the back of this that Bashy was invited to perform at the Love Music Hate Racism Rally in 2008 at Victoria Park, to a crowd of 100,000. He was asked to take the main stage alongside Damon Albarn. Bashy persuaded some of the country's brightest stars to come together, at a point when the scene was gripped by a culture of division, to share their views on the subject. Nolay, Skinnyman, Ty, Big Narstie, Tinie Tempah, Wretch 32, Chipmunk, Swiss, J2k, Skepta, Sincere, Akala and Scorcher featured on the track.

Bashy is similar to JR is terms of their motive of music. They both talk about positivity and problems in everyday lives in their lyrics. They also both came from a rough area and are trying to become mainstream artists.

Wednesday 27 January 2010

Change Of Plan

Unfortunately there has been a change of plan. Due to unforeseen circumstances I have moved groups and will no longer be using charlie green as an artist. I now have a new artist which me and my new group will be planning a new music video for