Friday 20 November 2009

Artist Image

We had to create a look for out artist. We discussed as a group what we would like our artist to look like. We decided to look at other artists who we think our artists are similar to. in terms of style , Asher Roth and James Morrison.

Asher Roth is an American rapper. Asher Roth is very different to most rappers in terms of the way in which he dresses. You would expect him to wear baggy clothes and big chains around his neck however his image is far from that. His typical wardrobe is cardigans and jeans with neat trainers. By analyzing Asher Roth this showed me how stereotypical the media is because if I was to have a first impression on him I would never think that he was a rapper. From this I learnt that when choosing an image for my artist I do not have to base it on the genre of music he does because society is changing however it cant be too diverse from the genre.

James Morrison is an english singer. We choose to look at him as he had the look that we visualized. He dresses smart but casual and this is the type of look we think that our artist will fit.

We compared the genre of our artist to their style as we cannot really have a pop rock artist dressed in hoodies and gold chains. We decided we liked the Asher Roth look so when creating our artist we will make their style similar to his.

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