Thursday 8 October 2009

My AS Media Assignment

Last years task was to create a new fiction film, lasting a maximum of two minutes. In preparation for this we had to do an preliminary exercise, which was a continuity task involving filming and editing a character opening a door,crossing a room and siting down in a chair opposite another character, to whom she/he exchanges a couple lines of dialogue.

Last year while filming there were a few things that did not go well. My group had problems with our actors/actress's as we had to keep changing them as some of them were unavailable when we needed them. Due to that problem, we had to start filming again which was very time consuming. Other problems that came about was that I did not contribute as much as the other members of my group as I was not very good at acting, and there was people in my group who could film better than me, so we left the filming to them. However this helped me develop my filming skills as members of my group showed me how to film. Other problems which occured were that our characters found it hard to learn their script. This year i plan to make sure these problems do not arise, by ensuring we have a good plan before filming.

As a group we had to do pre-production paper work for assessment, Which included a plan of everything to do with our film.We had to do three story boards, a two page script, two page synopsis, four main character biographies ,write three locations that we wish to use and essential props we will be using.

Filming was the main task as part of our production. While filming there were many codes and conventions that we had to follow. The film that my group made was a horror, so every time we were filming we had to follow the codes and conventions of a horror film. Our film was different to a normal horror film as it was similar to the blair witch project which is n a documentary format. Editing was probably the hardest part of the production. In a group whilst editing allowed me to understand how what kind of cuts should be use on certain types of scenes and how to use sound and the pace of the film to set the mood. This year we will be using he same program as last year which is final cut pro.

Final Cut Pro 5

This year I will make sure that the problems which occurred last year will not arise again. This year should be easier than last year as I will use all the things I learnt last year and apply them to my production this year.

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